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Social Services


Lisa Bailey
Social Service Coordinator/ School Social Worker​​​​​​​

My job is to accept referrals offered by anyone who might have a concern about a child in any area of daily life.
I am called upon to assist children when there is possible child abuse, neglect, health problems, attendance issues, mental health issues, discipline issues, etc.
I then investigate the referrals, determine the method by which we can be of the most assistance to the child (from within the school, by involvement with a Federal, State, or County agency, with help from the private sector, or whatever avenue is available to help this child and/or family).
Child abuse cases, suicidal and homicidal threats, family violence or any other case which involves a child’s immediate safety, must be acted upon in an extremely timely manner.
I oversee the Registrar and student enrollment - especially homeless youth and foster children. I ensure barriers are lifted for them to ensure easy transition.
Participate in tribunals – assist with the MTSS process and PBIS.