Our school nurses are proud to be part of the team effort that supports student success in our school system. Please feel free to contact the medical team members any time you have a school health related question or need information.
Student Health
Informational Letters and Specific Care Plan
Student Health Services Letter
Required Health Documents to Attend Georgia Schools
Flu Awareness
Preventing the Spread of Respiratory Viruses
Information about Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Immunization Requirements for School Attendance in Georgia
Lee County School Medication Policy (Spanish)
Authorization to Administer Prescribed Medication at School
Grades 6-8 Authorization to Carry Over-the-Counter Medications
Authorization for School Personnel to Administer Parent Provided Over-the-Counter Medication at School
Authorization to Carry Emergency Prescription Medications at School (epinephrine injections, rescue inhalers, Diastat, Valtoco, etc)
Asthma Health Care plan
CHOA Managing Asthma at School Tip Sheet
Severe Food Allergy Care Plan
Non-Food Severe Allergy Care Plan
Seizure Health Care Plan
Parent Questionnaire for Students with Seizures
Diabetes Health Care Plan
CHOA Diabetes Back-to-School Checklist
Individual Health Care Plan for Non-Specific Chronic Illness
All forms are available in language of choice upon request
LCSS COVID-19 Guidelines
The CDC has dropped their 5 day isolation period for individuals diagnosed with Covid-19. They are now treating it as any other respiratory virus. Students and staff are encouraged to stay home while symptomatic and can return when symptoms are improving and fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.
Please see the following Guidelines and Prevention Strategies advised by the CDC.
System Nurse Manager | Shannon Weeks, RN weekssh@lee.k12.ga.us |
Lee County Pre-K Program School Nurse Website |
Shannon Weeks, RN weekssh@lee.k12.ga.us |
Lee County Primary School Nurse Website |
Gina Edwards, RN edwardsgi@lee.k12.ga.us |
Kinchafoonee Primary School Nurse Website |
Ann (Michelle) Bass, RN bassan@lee.k12.ga.us |
Lee County Elementary School Nurse Website |
Lisa Bryant, RN bryantli@lee.k12.ga.us |
Twin Oaks Elementary School Nurse Website |
Crystal Evans, RN evanscr@lee.k12.ga.us |
Lee County Middle School West Nurse Website |
Donna Millsapp, RN millsappdo@lee.k12.ga.us |
Lee County Middle School East Nurse Website |
Kristi Bothwell, LPN bothwellkr@lee.k12.ga.us |
Lee County 9th Grade Campus Nurse Website |
Jami Birney, LPN birneyja@lee.k12.ga.us |
Lee County High School Nurse Website |
Rebecca Sheridan, LPN sheridanreb@lee.k12.ga.us |